he Holidays are Here Again
Original music and lyrics composed by Anthony DiLorenzo. This brand new work is ready to kick off the holidays with new-found meaning with a spirited tune that could be the new ear worm of the the season.
Composed in a similar vein as Anderson's Sleigh Ride, it can be performed as a stand alone Orchestral work or Orchestra with Choir.
Have a happy holiday this season
feasting often with good reason
laughing car rides to and fro all day
It's the time of year
crispness in the air
bringing joyful tidings trav-ling door to door.
With the trotting of the horses stomping
hay-rides, pumpkins, ghosts go haunting
changing of the color of the leaves.
spinning dreidels can be spun,
and the turkeys are well done,
and The Holidays are Here À-gain.
The church bells boldly ringing in the bell-fry,
the people gather near to far and pray.
The children play at home with new found reason
hugs and kisses happ-ning through the day.
Fam-'lies celebrate the winter season
Sledding down the hillside
Laughing all the way!
Giddy up the sleighrides take us prancing
holding hands with loved ones’ glancing
snuggling closer with ones you a-dore.
It's the time to sing with the car-ol-ling
The Holidays are Here À-gain!
Orchestra break (Break)
It's the time to sing,
sing along with Bing. Or:)Jingle ling a ling.
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la la la la
With the new year bringing new-found meaning
feasting more on grandmas’ pudding
grandpa watching football all day long.
With the whist-ling of the wind
and the snowman with the grin
and The Holidays are Here À-gain.
The falling snow glides down to earth so softly
it comforts sleepy souls who sit and stare.
The chimneys billow smoke up in the night sky.
New Year’s resolutions folly
Here we go a-gain!
Have a happy holiday this season
feasting often with good reason
trav-ling coast to coast for fam-ly time.
With a cheerful ring a ling
and a happy ding dong ding
bringing in the holidays are HERE__À__GAIN!
The Holidays Are Here À-gain!